In Language Arts class yesterday, Dr. Poehner did a demonstration on India. We did that because we will be doing a Around The World presentation in History class. We first went around and looked at all the artifacts Dr. Poehner had about India. It was nice to see all the different artifacts she had from a different culture. Of course, she is from India. We then, in our groups, made a picture or a graphic organizer about what we know about India. My group, the best group, drew India and then drew pictures that represented India. We drew the flag, spices, elephant, Taj Mahal, religions, cotton, dress, and the places we knew where they were located. The Taj Mahal is beautiful and I wish I could visit it some day. But, I'm deathly afraid of planes so the likely hood of that happening is very slim.
The place I would want to do my Around the World project on Italy! I'm Italian and I always try to speak Italian but I'm very poor at speaking the language. I also have always wanted to ride a Gondola! I'm not sure if that is how you spell it, I'll look it up after class :). Ciao is goodbye I believe. non importa is "I don't know."
I agree our group was pretty awesome :). Italy would be a sweet country to get for around the world I'm actually pretty excited about doing that project. I never knew you were afraid of planes and I have no idea what Gondala is. India was fun to learn about and it was great for Dr. Poehner to tell us about it I mean since she is from there.