Monday, September 13, 2010

Happy Monday

Today in Language Arts we talked about our Basal assignment that is due this Thursday. AH! I went to the library today and started to take notes on my basal. I must say, it is different than I expected and confuses me. So, I had to stop. :). I did finish most of my paper and will edit tomorrow. I'm excited we get to work with materials that will be in classrooms. We also discovered that most of us don't take a lot of time in editing our interviews. I feel that I need refreshed on appropriate grammar! This weekend I plan on reading my posts, editing, and revising. Waahooo!

On a completely different note, Penn State lost (as expected) but Steelers won :). Yay!

1 comment:

  1. It seems that when you least expect it something sneaks up on you and is due. At least you got a lot of your paper done that's a plus. The basal was definitely a little different than expected, but once I got used to it reading went a little smoother. Along with the interviews I still need to polish mine up maybe I look into buying a grammar book haha.
